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Do Smart Meters Cause Coronary Symptoms?

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New "smart meters" are being installed by utility companies to measure energy usage. This topic was started by a person who feels that "electrosmog" can cause coronary symptoms.

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Current Postings on This Page (3):

• SMART METERS ALERT American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM): smart meters are dangerous - a moratorium on their installation needs to occur. A CA health dept. agrees. WHO says the type of radiation smart meters put out is a 2B carcinogen. Radiation expert (Hirsch): 1 smart meter = full body radiation of 160 cell phones. Wireless / "Smart" Meters are here in our communities replacing all our existing gas, electric, & water meters. These may be called by other names: AMI, remote meters, digital meters, electronic meters, or smart meters. They all emit pulsed RF radiation, have enormous problems and issues: Health impacts are huge - many people are becoming ill after meter installation, with symptoms including severe dizziness, heart rhythm disturbances, high blood pressure, memory problems, insomnia, tinnitus/hearing buzzing, ear pain, agitation, headaches, nausea, seizures, and may worsen existing health problems, such as inflammation and cancers. Go to Public Health Alerts - Smart Meters for more info57 municipalities in CA have banned or criminalized these devices from being installed, due to the health issues. DO NOT ALLOW INSTALL!
No2SmartMeters,, La Mesa, California, USA, July 21, 2012

• Victim in La Mesa -- This is a new one on us. Haven't read/heard about this at all. If anyone out there has more info, please post.
Angioplasty.Org Staff, Angioplasty.Org, July 21, 2012

• Be aware that the new utility meters called "smart meters" are causing many people illness, including coronary symptoms. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine released its recommendations regarding electromagnetic field (EMF) and radio frequency (RF) exposures. and for more info. Some states allow an opt-out (to get it off the property). If you have just started with cardio-symptoms and it was following the installation of a smart meter, consider that as a potential source. Do not sleep near them, stay about 20 feet away if possible and get it off your house. Dangerous for everyone. High levels of pulsed radiation are emitted. See YouTube "Dark Side of Smart Meters".
Smart Meter Cardio Victim, Center for Electrosmog Prevention, La Mesa, California, USA, July 20, 2012

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